Adult Activities
To Be Announced
Youth Activites
To Be Announced
Community Education
We look forward to providing the community of Rocky Mountain House with education sessions that explore different LGBTQ2S+ themes. Future sessions will be posted and advertised for all of Rocky Mountain House to attend.
What is Rocky Pride?
Rocky Pride is a group that has been created to give LGBTQ2SIA+ people in Rocky Mountain House and the surrounding area a safe space to socialize, access services, and build a community of LGBTQ2SIA+ and allies. In order to keep Rocky Pride a safe space for all, confidentiality and anonymity within the group is made a priority by asking all members to follow our code of conduct. Rocky Pride encourages inclusivity within the organization by accepting all members and volunteers who are both allies and people who identity as LGBTQ2SIA+ which further perpetuates the importance of building community. In order to work on making rural Alberta a safe space, Rocky Pride strives to provide external educational opportunities to the community of Rocky Mountain House and surrounding areas. It is imperative that Rocky Pride showcases and supports LGBTQ2SIA+ vendors and artists whenever possible.